NACS Independent Campus Store Financial Survey

2024 Survey Results Now Available

Participants can log in to view the results or contact

Members who participate receive EXCLUSIVE ACCESS  to Campus Store Insights—a business intelligence and data visualization platform for valuable insights into your financial data.

Financial management is essential for the successful operation of a campus store. To learn more, explore

the Introduction to Financial Management course in NACS University.

Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and valuable metrics help store leaders:

Share important information with leadership

Make data-informed decisions

Benchmark performance

Identify areas for ongoing improvement

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When CSI was available, it made benchmarking so much easier for me. It also gave me ideas of other ways I could present the data, like different graphs, rather than just numbers.

Tina Streit, College of St. Benedict Bookstore, St. Joseph, MN, and St. John's University Bookstore, Collegeville, MN

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